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DAY6 Fan Sara Takes A Journey Through the Band's Career & Shares Details of Her Interaction with Jae

Writer's picture: Fan Features OfficialFan Features Official

Shuohyun at Chinese Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

"Being a My-Day is like being DAY6 closest best friends. They rely on us and adore us the most. Moreover, fellow My-Days are also like family to me. We can get along easily to hype DAY6 and support each other even though we do not really know each other. " - Sara


Hi Sara, Thank-You so much for agreeing to speak with us here at ‘Fan Features’! I’m so excited about this interview and having the chance to help share your story as a DAY6 fan! To start off the interview would you mind introducing yourself to our readers?

Hi! I am Sara, a My-Day from Indonesia. I am known as "Mbak Trade" because I traded username with Jae. I'm just a lucky fangirl.

So Sara…how did you first discover DAY6? Were you previously familiar with K-Pop prior to finding DAY6?

I am already being a K-Pop fan since I was very young. Maybe about 10 years old? I was a fan of 2pm and I adored JYP Entertainment back then. So when K-Pop Star aired, I was curious to see whose gonna come to JYP. So when I knew that Jae and Jamie chose JYP, I anticipated their debut. I watched them when they introduced themselves as 5LIVE but I didn't directly get attached to them because I focused on GOT7. When DAY6 released "Congratulations", I was not hyping much and was like.. okay this is JYP new band. And then my sister came to me and told me to watch the new release from DAY6 which was "Letting Go". I was impressed by the unique music video and also the song was awesome. It is very good I will never get bored of "Letting Go". So since then I start to love and follow DAY6 and become a MD!

How would you describe the impact Day6 has made in your life personally?

To be honest, Day6 really helped me through my hard days. Most of their songs are relatable to my life so when I am sad, I listen to Day6 songs a lot. Back then I was stressed out because I had to do a gap year for my study. Fortunately, Day6 came to Indonesia for "Youth" concert. That concert really strengthened me to study harder. After that I took the university test, and passed.

And what does being a MyDay mean to you?

Being a My-Day is like being DAY6 closest best friends. They rely on us and adore us the most. Moreover, fellow My-Days are also like family to me. We can get along easily to hype DAY6 and support each other even though we do not really know each other.

Every fandom is unique and within each one are some truly incredible stories. Through Fan Features I hope we can share some of these stories and highlight the projects created by fans. When we spoke through Twitter you mentioned a Day6 art project that your participated in…I’d love to hear more about this?!

I joined DAY6 Fanartist Indonesia ( DFI @dfi_official) for the Youth magazine project. Each of the members drew DAY6 and we compiled it into a magazine. DFI also has drawing project each month and Every DAY6 celebrations. I don't draw many fan arts because I am not confident in my drawing hehe! Unfortunately I am no longer active in DFI because of my business too, but they really created the best fan arts and are very passionate about it.

Did you create a lot of artwork prior to your participation in this project? How does it feel to see MyDays come together with projects like this to celebrate the guys?

I feel so happy to see My-Day's dedication in creating projects for DAY6. I can see we adore and are thankful for DAY6 who give us happiness through their songs.

I know it’s a hard question but do you have a favourite Day6 song? Is there a story behind your choice?

"Somehow", "Stop The Rain", and "For Me". The story behind it is because I am longing for someone, and I cannot express my emotion well. "Somehow" sounds happy but the lyrics are very sad, so I relate at how we are trying to be happy when actually, we are sad and longing for someone. The same with "Stop The Rain", I feel like my desperation could be presented through that song. As "For Me", I feel like that song is my consolation during my hard days when I am stressed out.

Being such a big fan of DAY6, have you ever had a chance to attend one of their concerts?

Yes, I went to Day6's concert twice during " Youth" and "Gravity" in Jakarta.

You have?! I’d love to hear more about it! What was it like to see them perform live?

Watching their live performance was amazing! They are a great performers with awesome talents. I enjoy their concerts so much!

Looking back on the concerts you attended, was there a moment that stood out to you as a highlight?

I remember I cried when they sang "For Me" because I feel like I am getting consolation especially with their soothing voices.

You recently had a very exciting interaction with Jae of Day6…can you tell us more about that?

Yes! I just traded my Twitter username with Jae because apparently I have eajpark as my username, which is the username that Jae wants. So I tried to approach him to give him the username.

So you traded Twitter usernames with Jae…was this something that had been planned or was his message about the trade unexpected?

I kept that username since he made instagram account around the end of 2019. That time, I thought he would asked for the username but he did not. Therefore, I did not expect him to ask for that username. So when I knew he wanted the username, I tried to approach him. Other My-Days helped me to tag him so he would notice. Hopefully, he noticed that.

Talk us through what exactly went through your head when you spoke with Jae…talking with someone you admire has got to be pretty special right?

Yes indeed! I was so shock and nervous that I forgot to introduce myself to him. I was excited that I squeal and jump while replying to his messages.

Jae has been extremely busy with his solo activities this past year from podcasts to solo song releases…it’s been an exciting year for him! What do you think of his eaJ song releases?

I personally like his eaJ song releases. It is because we can see more of that side of him; his music taste and his thoughts through the lyrics. Even though the songs are short, I really love all of them especially "Rose" and "50 Proof".

Meanwhile, things in the DAY6 camp have equally been as productive; the guys recently released their ‘The Book of Us: Negentropy’, their first album in a year; YoungK, Wonpil and Dowoon teamed up to release an unit album with a second on the way and more recently, Sungjin took some time out to complete his mandatory military service. How does it feel to be a MyDay right now? Do you have a highlight from their recent work as a band/solo activities?

I feel glad and happy to accompany DAY6 through their journey. Even though this year they did not do the promotion together, I am quiet happy to see they are happy with what they are doing now. Wonpil is staring in a musical movie; YoungK is being an awesome DJ, Jae was working on his podcast with 'MINDSET'; Dowoon gave us his drum practice video and hopefully we will also get some of Sungjin's military photos. Moreover, Even of Day is also coming back with "Right Through Me". As a fan, I will try my best to support them and be happy for them. I would be lying if I didn't say I don't miss them on stage as a full team, but I believe they know best about what they are doing so I will just support them.

Day6 obviously mean a lot to you as fan so I wondered if you had a message of support that you’d like to share with the members?

For DAY6, Thank-You for giving me strength through your songs, advice and funny content. They truly mean a lot for me to getting through my hard days. I am grateful God made me become a MY-Day. So Thank-You very much!! I hope all of you will stay together and keep a friendship stronger than ever. You always told My-Day to stay happy and healthy, but remember you should do that as well. I would like to grow old with all of you, so later we can memorize this moment together. Once again, thank you DAY6!

Sara…it’s been so lovely to speak with you today! Thank-You so much for taking the time to share your story and what Day6 means to you. Before we say goodbye, I wondered if you could recommend a song by Day6 for our readers to listen to?

Please listen to their latest songs "You Make Me" and "Right Through Me". But beside that, I would recommend you to listen "I Remember" :)


It has been truly a pleasure to share Sara's story on Fan Features today...her love and passion for DAY6 shines through her words. DAY6 are an extremely talented and unique group within the K-Pop industry and it has been such a pleasure to speak with their fans for the site. Be sure to show them some love through their Twitter page: @day6official and by checking out their music via the videos above or across all major streaming platforms.

To keep up to date with Sara's latest news, give her a follow on Twitter at: @eaJnotEYaj


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