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Founder of Popular Little Mix Fanpage Lauren Discusses the Impact of The World's Biggest Girl Group

Updated: Sep 20, 2021

"Seeing them evolve from the teenagers they started as to the women who stand up for themselves and voice their opinions about political issues is something that I personally love and take with me when I need a bit of a confidence boost."


Hi Lauren, It’s so lovely to meet you & have you join us here at Fa

n Features. Today we’re going to be talking all things Little Mix and your story as a fan. So first things first; why don’t you introduce yourself to our readers?

Hi! I’m Lauren and I’m 24...I’ve had this account since I was 16 so I feel like a bit of an OAP!

Let’s start at the beginning of your journey…how did you first come to discover Little Mix? What are you first memories of the girls?

I was an avid viewer of ‘The X Factor’ so I first came across them when they were initially put together. I’ve always loved girlbands like Spice Girls and The Saturdays so I was instantly taken in by them.

Little Mix made history as the first group to win X Factor back in 2011 and have since taken the music industry by storm. It’s been a while since we’ve seen such a strong girlband in the charts so I’m curious to ask, what do you it is about Little Mix that captured the nation’s hearts?

I think the fact that we’ve seen them grow up, both personally and musically has really made an impact on their popularity. And seeing them evolve from the teenagers they started as to the women who stand up for themselves and voice their opinions about political issues is something that I personally love and take with me when I need a bit of a confidence boost.

I couldn't agree more! They've really come into their own over the years and grown stronger as's hard to believe it's been 10 years since those four young women first appeared on our TV screens. Little did they know just how much their lives were about to change! Looking back at the girls when they first appeared on the X Factor, how do you think things changed since then?

I think it’s really apparent how much of a say they now have in the whole process of being music artists. On TXF and in the early days I think they did always want to be fully involved in everything but maybe didn’t have the opportunity, especially because of it being such a male dominant industry. They’ve always written on their albums but it just feels like they are so much more confident with it now, which is amazing!

Little Mix are true icons of feminism and are an inspiration to women of all ages; what makes them such great role models for women today?

I think the reason that they are such great role models is because they don’t want to be seen as that. They want to live their lives as young women and not put pressure on themselves to be completely “perfect” because there’s always going to be criticism of women especially so how real they are is just so appealing.

Can you tell us about the role Little Mix have played in your life? How have they inspired you personally?

For me personally, Little Mix have just always been a bit of a reminder that hard work and being a nice person really does pay off.

Over the years Little Mix has released a total of 6 studio albums and dominated the airwaves with their chart topping singles. Out of all their musical releases do you have a particular favourite?

My favourites change all the time, usually on a daily basis but I think album wise, Glory Days is my favourite. It truly was a huge moment and the whole era that went with it just holds great memories for me! I think ‘Little Me’ is one of my favourite Little Mix singles, the message is so beautiful and it’s as relevant today as when it was released.

Little Mix has a wonderful fanbase called the ‘Mixers’…can you tell us more about the fans behind the world’s biggest girlband? How would you describe the connection between Little Mix and their fans?

I think Mixers are incredibly dedicated to the girls. Even when there’s been times where there has been such a long gap between releases, like between DNA and Salute, support never stopped. And I think that’s still the case today! The connection Little Mix have with their fans is amazing, they are obviously so grateful for the support they have and seeing them visit new countries and being overwhelmed by fans and love is so great to see!

You run an extremely popular Little Mix fanpage on Twitter where Mixers can keep up to date with all the latest news about their favourite girls, how did this page come to fruition? Did you ever expect the page to grow as big as it did?

I started this account when Little Mix were in Australia in 2013. I had always seen update accounts for other fandoms and I just decided I’d give it a whirl myself. 8 years later and I’m still here! I never expected to have over 30,000 followers! But it’s so cool that there’s so many people wanting to keep up to date with Little Mix. And the update accounts are all so cool with working together it’s great to be a part of!

So what is the best part about running a Little Mix fanpage? What kind of content can fellow Mixers expect to find on your page?

The best part of having this page is talking to other fans, all over the world and being able to work on projects to support their songs.

Tell us about the overall Little Mix fandom…how do fanbases around the world unite to support the girls?

There are so many update accounts from different countries and we all kind of work together and support Little Mix’s music and career in each other’s countries. On my page, I post all about chart updates, international projects and basically just anything and everything related to Little Mix!

Late last year Jesy announced her departure from the band marking the beginning of a new chapter for Little Mix. What do you think we can expect from both Jesy and Little Mix as a band in future?

I think this new chapter for Little Mix is really exciting! Both personally and professionally, they are thriving and it’s so amazing to witness that! I hope Jesy will release music that fits her sound and she’s really proud of.

The girls made history when they became the first all female group to win the award for ‘Best British Group’ at the 2021 Brit Awards…what was it like to see your heroes make music history? How did Mixers around the world celebrate this momentous occasion?

The BRIT win was such a long time coming!! I think we were all prepared for another male band to win that it was actually quite emotional for fans all over the world. I’d say that was one of the highlights over the past 10 years.

I couldn't agree more! It was such a well refreshing and well deserving win for the girls! Alongside their historic Brits appearance, Perrie and Leigh-Anne excited fans as they announced their first pregnancies. Do you have a message of support for both women as they prepare for their very own Little Mixers?

Leigh-Anne and Perrie’s baby news is so exciting!! They deserve love and happiness in their lives and the fact that they are proving the stereotype wrong that women can’t have children and a career makes me so proud of them.

It’s fair to say the women of Little Mix are pretty special…we as the public know them for their fabulous music but as fans, you guys are much more connected. Is there something you think the general public should know about Little Mix that we might not already know?

I think there’s a misconception that women in music, girl groups especially don’t write their own music, can’t sing and perform live, don’t have input into their careers etc. and I think Little Mix do the perfect job of proving that wrong. They have all been open about their personal struggles, such as eating disorders, anxiety and racism and I would love for people to actually learn more about them as individuals.

And finally…if you could recommend a song to someone who isn’t familiar with Little Mix, what would it be and why?

If I were to recommend a Little Mix song, I think it would have to be Power! That songs has everything! Amazing vocals, female empowerment, amazing choreography when performed live! Everyone should listen to that song!!


Lauren..Thank-You so much for taking the time to chat with us here at 'Fan Feature's and providing such a fantastic insight into the world of Little Mix. The girls are clearly making a massive impact in the music industry and beyond and deserve to be acknowledged as more than just another girlband. As they all prepare to embark on a new chapter in their lives, we wish them all the success and very best for the future!

In the meantime, be sure to give 'LITTLE MIX UPDATES' a follow on Twitter to keep up to date with the girls and connect with other fans!

Twitter: @UpdatingLM



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