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Susie on the Impact of Adam Lambert, Life as a Glambert & how the Star Has Turned Her Life Around

Writer's picture: Fan Features OfficialFan Features Official

Updated: Sep 20, 2021

"Adam has allowed me to enjoy life inside the walls of my home because I haven't been able to go out and be around people since getting shot. His lifestyle has made it easier to accept my own sexuality. He means everything to me." - Susie


Hi Susie, Thank-You so much for your participation in the ‘Fan Features’ site, I’m really looking forward to hearing your story and once again highlighting the importance of music as well as discussing the impact of our favourite artists. In today's feature we’ll be discussing Adam Lambert and hearing all about how he's inspired you. So before we begin, would you mind introducing yourself to our readers?

My name is Susie Baruth..I'm retired after 25 years in the United States Air Force and a victim of a shooting in the head, which left me with severe PTSD and many other problems.

Let's go back to the beginning...can I ask how you first came to discover Adam Lambert? What are your first memories of him?

I saw him on his first audition on American Idol in 2009..the year I was shot. My memories are that my PTSD prevented me from listening to music..but when I saw Adam, I became obsessed from the very start. I watched every week and have followed his every move ever since. He's the only artist I can listen to now.

When we initially spoke via Twitter you mentioned that you were previously a Michael Jackson fan and felt that Adam came into your life at the right time following the death of Michael. Speaking as a fan of both gentlemen, how would you compare them as artists?

Yes..Michael was my favorite artist till his death in 2009. I can honestly say they are the most gifted singers and entertainers ever. They are all autotune..which is so widely used with singers . I don't appreciate that. I think both men sing best live and create complete chaos in an audience when they preform.

Can you tell us more about the impact that Adam has made in your life personally? What does he mean to you?

Adam has allowed me to enjoy life inside the walls of my home because I haven't been able to go out and be around people since getting shot. But Adam's music makes me happy and I'm in several groups on Twitter and Facebook dedicated to fans of Adam. I'm 62 and was 50 when Adam was discovered and I first heard him. His lifestyle has made it easier to accept my own sexuality. He means everything to me. I have no family or friends...I've closed myself off. But Adam taught me that it's ok to be myself and if people don't accept me then they're not worth it anyway. I still can't go outside unless it's urgent but in my home I can be myself.

You’ve been through a lot over the years and it sounds like Adam’s music has played a huge part in your journey. How different would your life be without Adam and how would you summarise the overall importance of music?

My days now consist of watching you tube videos, interviews, concerts of Adam and QAL. I'm obsessed and addicted...I love everything about him. I don't really think I'd have made it without his music, his lives on Instagram and everything he does. He's the only artist I listen to because in my opinion he's the most authentic. If you watch him sing 'Believe' for Cher at the Kennedy Center...that's the man I'm talking about. He writes and collaborates with the best because he's wanted by the best because he is the best. He has the heart and soul of an angel. He truly is a sweet friendly nice guy.

Do you have favourite song out of all Adam's releases?

My favourite song by Adam is Closer to You...and basically the same reason behind my choice is the same reason Adam wrote the song. He lost the love if his life and would do ANYTHING to get that back. I admit I also love Superpower...just because it's like an anthem for the LGBTQ community. Adam quit record labels because they put limits on him so he's free now to write and sing what he wants and Velvet has been his best so far. If not for Vovid it would have done great things.

You mentioned your association with his Feel Something Foundation? For anyone who may be reading that isn’t familiar with the charity, would you mind telling us a little about it and the work they do?

The Feel Something Foundation is a non profit Adam created..along with his song "Feel Something"..and it's geared towards the LGBTQ Community. It targets against bullying, hatred neglect..especially towards children cast by parents. They partner with other organizations to help feed, cloth, become more loving towards LBGTQ people because they are just like everyone else. Adam does virtual meetings with many organisations to help get the word out and spread love and joy. He collects donations through his fan website, merchandise sales and virtual concerts..all his performances this past year went towards his foundation. For Christmas he partnered with the Angel Network to pass out meals to the elderly and those who couldn't get out due to covid. He's so special...a Humanitarian like Michael.

I think it's fair to say that Adam has the heart of gold! So what does it mean to Adam’s fans and members of the LGBTQ+ community to have someone like Adam advocating for the community and putting together the FSF?

Well it means everything to tge LGBTQ Community for Adam to have this foundation. He's the ground breaker for it...but he's broken many walls for the community already as well as the foundation.

Let’s talk a little about the Glambert fanbase…what is the best thing about Adam’s fan community? How would you describe the Glamberts?

The fan base is unlike anything I've ever experienced. I would say we are very very over protective of Adam...the love for him is so real; not pass out and faint like the Beatles but genuine love for him because he's relatable. He dresses up, he wears make up, glitter and nail polish and that's who he is; he does lives and talks for us and is a funny lovable guy. He wears his heart on his sleeve. His Glamberts are fighters for him. He thinks most of his Glamberts are older woman who drink he has said lol! But most of his Glamberts are older woman...I don't know why but we're fierce protectors of him.

Whilst creating this website, I've been lucky enough to speak with a number of Glamberts and I can honestly say that you're all some of the sweetest people I've ever met. Adam a lucky guy to have you all behind him! Elaborating on the previous of the things that really inspired this project was sharing the communities behind each artist and nothing makes me smile more than hearing about the friendships that have formed through the music. Has this been the case for you?

I've made all my friends through Adam. It's a vibe of him and his whole person that brings all of us together. We don't get involved in drama...its always fun. One group I'm in on Twitter; there are about six artists and editors...and they're all awesome people from England, Germany, Australia and USA. We laugh, help each other in need and are really close. Their best friends I've ever had. They are so talented as well...their art is unbelievable because they're inspired by Adam.

It’s been such an uncertain year for us all due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. How has Adam specifically helped you through this time?

Well I've been a home body since I was shot I just try to stay positive for Adam...I'm more worried about him because he's worked alot this past year doing many projects. So for me, I'm still the same but I worry about Adam.

You spoke about having the chance to watch a number of Adam’s ‘Insta Lives’ and online concerts throughout the duration of the Pandemic, what was your opinion regarding these virtual experiences? Do you think there’s a place for live music and artist communication following the Pandemic?

Adam sings so well live..better actually. Not alot of singers can do what Adam does live. I mean the man's got a one in a billion voice and can do it all live. He's the best! I don't think many artist can do that. Some can but have vocal limits. Adam has no limits; he can sing the whole guitar range live.

He's the greatest live singer; Brian and Roger said so and they wouldn't have anyone but the best. He can sing any song in their catalog whereas singers after Freddie couldn't. I never listened to Queen before Adam and I find them better with Adam.

Are there any moments from any of these virtual events/live streams that have really spoken or stood out to you?

His "Ready to Run" for the campaign for President Biden or his Birthday concert at the Roxy in LA. He was never able to do a Velvet tour due to Covid and he was sad about that so he sang a lot from Velvet. And of course, his STARMAN tribute to Bowie...I could go on. There's so many!

If you had the opportunity to meet with Adam how would you envisage that moment? Is there anything you'd like to say or ask him?

I'm going to Europe next year hopefully to a concert and buying a meet and greet ticket..I will be so over the moon! I would just like him to know how much he means to me and thank him for being himself. I'd wish him the very best and ask him to autograph my merch and get a picture with him. It's gonna be my 'Make a Wish' because I have cancer and it will be my only chance if I make it till then.

Susie, it's been such a pleasure speaking with you today! Your love and passion for Adam is truly special and I truly admire just how much of an impact Adam has in your life! So before we go, I have just one more question for you! Let’s imagine you're speaking with someone who isn’t familiar with Adam or his music...what song would you recommend to get them started?

BELIEVE..LIVE AT THE KENNEDY CENTER ..He made Cher cry..after that they get an idea how awesome his voice is. Then they can go on YouTube and do a search for Adam Lambert and watch anything because everything he does turns to gold.


It's such a pleasure to finally share Susie's story with you all...hearing how Adam touches and inspires his fans has been truly humbling!

Be sure to show Susie some love over on Twitter by giving her a follow at: @Susie99521909


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