After months of hard work, I am extremely proud to finally unveil Fan Features, a project which has seen me through the bleakest months of Winter and the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Fan Features is the result of a small series that initially took place on thehathippie.com back in 2018 and following its success, I am delighted to see it grow.
As a lifelong fan of music, I've sought great comfort from the songs created by my favourite artists as well as participating in the communities which surround them. Born with Tibia Hemimelia, a rare congenital disability, I was later diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome; a debilitating chronic illness as the result of botched knee surgery. Both conditions had a massive impact upon my life and unlike others of a similar age, I spent much of my teenage years isolated from the world and the thrills of teenage life.
Music was always apart of my world but it wasn't until my teenage years that I truly appreciated its significance. Despite my varied taste in music, I've remained active in a number of fan communities and feel grateful for the connections I've been fortunate to have gained as a result.
For me, music was not only a crucial aspect in the management of my chronic illness but equally an important factor in the balance of my mental and overall wellbeing. Mental health is a growing epidemic in today's society and sadly, the numbers of those affected will continue to grow following the Pandemic. Taking this into consideration, I believe it's vital we all have an outlet to escape and experience relaxation; whether that be in the form of sport, art, music or something else...it really doesn't matter. It's identifying and utilising our favourite outlets that's significantly important.
Having been active in a number of fanbases throughout the years and attended a number of live music events, there's one thing that really strikes me and that is the power of music. No matter who I've spoken to; from musicians to fans, everyone has a story and they all deserve to be told. Through Fan Features it is my greatest wish to build a strong community of fans and give them a platform to share what's important to them.
This past year alone is proof of just how devalued the arts industry is by those with political influence. I believe the arts industry is an important area in our society and those who work in such areas deserve support and recognition. We all benefit from the art industries in one way or another and without them, society would be a much duller place.
Fan Features is my way of thanking those industries for the difference they've made in my life personally and the memories I've made as a result. Equally, I hope that we the fans, will be able to shine a light on the good that music brings to our lives on daily basis and celebrate the friends and memories we've formed collectively.
Although Fan Features is currently limited to the world of music, I feel optimistic the site will continue to grow and over time will expand to news horizons and branch out to other areas such as tv, film, art and dance. There are no limits for this project and together, we shall push the boundaries.
So with those few words, I Thank-You for supporting this little site as we celebrate its long awaited launch and I sincerely hope that as the branches grow and our wings begin to fly; that you too will be uplifted by our reader's and their inspiring stories. At Fan Features, we are always on the lookout for new stories and would love to hear yours! So if you have a story you'd like to share, please get in touch via our contact page to be considered for future articles...
May the music fill your heart and the lyrics heal your soul
- Robyn Jane (Founder)
Hey, Fan Features congrats on the wonderful project! it's fantastic well done! You should be proud!! 😊